The “Building a Data-Driven Campaign” training materials provide a high-level overview of how the data-driven strategic planning process works for campaigns and organizations. The training helps participants think about how and when each part of the process comes together, how and when participants need to interact with each other, and how data plays a role in that process.
The training makes it easier for campaign and data practitioners to work together to complete the strategic planning process. It is aimed both at campaign practitioners with no more than introductory knowledge of data and analytics and data practitioners with no more than introductory knowledge of campaigns. The training teaches attendees key concepts and vocabulary to give them the confidence and knowledge they need to collaborate effectively and, together, make campaigns and organizations better consumers of data and analytics.
The materials are provided at no cost under a Creative Commons 4.0 License to enable organizations to use them and adapt them to suit their needs, whether that means integrating the material into existing training programs or creating new training programs specific to this topic.
The “Building a Data-Driven Campaign” training materials provide a high-level overview of how the data-driven strategic planning process works for campaigns and organizations. The training helps participants think about how and when each part of the process comes together, how and when participants need to interact with each other, and how data plays a role in that process.
The training makes it easier for campaign and data practitioners to work together to complete the strategic planning process. It is aimed both at campaign practitioners with no more than introductory knowledge of data and analytics and data practitioners with no more than introductory knowledge of campaigns. The training teaches attendees key concepts and vocabulary to give them the confidence and knowledge they need to collaborate effectively and, together, make campaigns and organizations better consumers of data and analytics.
The materials are provided at no cost under a Creative Commons 4.0 License to enable organizations to use them and adapt them to suit their needs, whether that means integrating the material into existing training programs or creating new training programs specific to this topic.
Free-to-use training materials.
These training materials provide a high-level overview of how the data-driven strategic planning process works for campaigns and organizations and are provided at no cost under a Creative Commons license.
This work allows Sharing (copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format) and Adaptation (remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose).
Building a Data-Driven Campaign by DigiDems, Blueshift Technologies, New River Strategies, and Arena is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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